Hello, I am looking forward to working with you.

Please take a few minutes and read through this page. This page should give you all the information you need to orient you to the whole process.   Text will always be the quickest way to reach me.  After you read this, text me with any questions you may have.

 What type of clients do you serve?

We serve brides, bridal party and Prom/homecoming.  Brides are my priority.  So, if my schedule is full. I will not be able to take any of the others.

 What are your hours?

Our hours are by appointment only. My preferred fittings are Saturdays.    I can work around that if you need something special.  So do not hesitate to ask.

 What should I bring to my initial fitting?

Bring your dress and the shoes that you plan to wear to the event.  If you don’t have the shoes yet then bring a pair that has the same heel height.  Bring yoga pants or leggings if you are uncomfortable with me seeing your backside when I zip or unzip you. (Some adjustments require that I open the back of your gown.)

We will assess what type of undergarments you will need at the time of the fitting.

If your dress is a sample or used gown.  Please bring it already cleaned.  If you are needing it cleaned, please reach out.  I can clean it for you for a nominal fee, but only if I have time in my schedule.  If cleaning, it would have to be cleaned before the first fitting.

Bring payment.  I require 50% down before starting alterations.  I accept Cash, Check or Credit.

(We impose a 3% surcharge on credit cards that is not greater than our cost of acceptance.) 

I also offer acid-free fabric gown bags for $25.00 if you are in need of one.

 Who should I bring to my appointments?

We welcome you to invite a guest to share this experience with you.  Since my business is in my home, I do prefer a limit of only 2 additional guests, unless you reach out ahead of time.


Let your dress altering decisions be up to you. The dress is a reflection of you!   Your guests are there to enjoy the day and make memories with you. They are there to cheer you on, help you into your dress & shoes, and maybe be an extra set of hands for carrying your bags. Please make sure you choose wisely and make sure your guest is comfortable in this role. I will be entirely focused on you and answer the questions that you have. If your guest is the curious type, please invite her to read this page before coming so that she understands what you and I discuss. You and I have a lot of ground to cover in the 60 minute appointment, and unfortunately, we won’t be able to back up and get your guest on the same page with us.

We love kids!!! But, please ask before bringing them. 

 What type of appointment do you have?

For those that already know they want to use my services.  Schedule an Initial Fitting.

If you are unsure and would just like a consultation, Schedule an Initial Consult.  This appointment would have to be at the minimum, 6 months before the event date.  There is a $30 Fee for this that will be applied as a payment towards your alterations if you choose me.

 What are your payment policies?

As a rule, it’s safe to say that Cash is my favorite method.  Checks are also accepted but not for a final payment.  We also accept credit and debit card.  (We impose a 3% surcharge on credit cards that is not greater than our cost of acceptance.)  

We will have an estimated quote at the initial fitting, or we will at least give you price range for your project so that you may plan ahead for what amount to bring to each appointment.

  • The usual fittings are free.  Unless you are just looking for a 30-minute consultation.
  • There is a $30 fee for a consultation which will get applied as a payment if you choose me for your alterations.
  • Gown cleaning fees are due when you leave your gown for cleaning— that is before we clean your gown.
  • If you have a long Sew While Wait session, then the total alterations fee will be due at the end of that long session.

 How long in advance of my event should I make my appointment for?

I recommend scheduling a fitting as soon as you have found your dress.  Even if it is on order.  You need to get in my schedule to secure a spot for your alterations. Your appointment can be rescheduled if your dress has not come in.

I think the textbook answer to that is, 3-6 months before the event, you should be well on your way to having your dress completed.  But there are variables.  If your weight fluctuates for any reason, hormones, thyroid, pregnancy, etc. we will need to fit you closer to your event date.  Sometimes, the week of your event!   This can also be a decision based upon your emotions.  If you are an avid planner and can’t sleep until your checklist is done, then we can alter your dress as early as you wish.

Regardless of when you want your alterations completed, you should always book early.  The longer you wait the least amount of appointments we will have. Some brides get on the books here before they even find their dress, or when they order their gown.

 How soon can you get my dress finished?

Our pace of work is generally set by how well my schedule lines up with yours.  We can usually schedule your follow-up fittings about a week or two apart once we initially get you in the books. This all depends on the season as well.    

My goal is to have your gown completed 4 weeks before your event at the minimum.

 Do you offer steaming and pressing services?

Yes, we do.  The fees for this vary based upon the garment.  We’ll be happy to look at it and give you a quote.

 Do you have gown cleaning services?

Yes, we do.  We offer cleaning before alterations for gowns that are used or shop worn. Prices vary. We even offer gown cleaning and box preservation after your wedding.

Gown Cleaning – Starts at $135

Gown Cleaning and Preservation through “The Wedding Gown Preservation” Starts at $350

Gown cleaning and preservation in house starts at $275

 What is the first appointment like?

We greet you and show you to the dressing room.  I like to sit down and chat for a minute before you get into your dress.  Let me know if you would like my assistance and help you to get into your dress.  We will ask what you would like done to the gown.  We discuss with you any options that you have for our altering of the gown.  We can discuss what kinds of undergarments you may need.  We help you out of your gown if needed.  I will estimate the work needing to be done and have you read over the work order, contract, and sign the contract.  We keep this with your dress and store your dress in our back room.   Then we will compare our bookings availability with your own scheduling needs and get your next appointment scheduled.

 What are your Alcohol Policies?

We do not give away alcohol, bottles of champagne, etc. Also alcohol is not permitted in our shop.

 How do I find your shop?

Simply Blessed Creations

In my home

1019 Falkirk Rd

Alma, MI  48801

Please park in the cul-de-sac.

Please use the side entrance to the right behind the garage.

 Is photography allowed? & What does Simply Blessed Creations do with pictures that they take?

Yes! You are welcome to take pictures to document the joy and beauty of your day. The pictures that you and I take are photos that are snagged at opportune times before, during, and after your alterations times.

On another very important note, I am happy to pose with you for a picture if you want one, but please do not photograph or video me candidly while I am working.

We also take pictures for documentation purposes, the fun of before/afters.  If we have made one, we are happy to share a photo grid with you of your dress at the end of your project. Photographs are always anonymous. The bride’s face, tattoos, or other identifying features will be edited out of any photos we use. If you do not wish to have your gown documented, please let us know at the initial consultation. We are happy to oblige.

 Is Simply Blessed Creations handicapped accessible?

No, not at this time.  If you are unable to go down stairs, please let me know before your fitting, so I can make other arrangements.

 Do you have a written price list?

No, we don’t.  We really don’t know how to even begin writing one!  Every dress is different.  The construction of the gowns vary widely.  Alterations vary in complexity.  There’s just no way for us to know what it will cost without consulting with the bride in person while she is wearing the dress.  We do generate a work order that is specific to your dress at the first fitting, though. That is a general list of things that you feel need to be done.  Alterations, however, are an open-ended process. Sometimes alterations have a “domino effect” so it is impossible to fully predict everything that needs to be done and how much it will cost. For this reason, our work order states that the pick up time is an estimate.  Pricing is also very fluid and basically reflects how long it takes us to complete your project.

Do I need to arrive early for my appointment?

No, please do not arrive early.  If you want to drop me a text and let me know you will or are early, I can let you know if I can get you in early.  I normally have my appointments one right after the other.  If I am running behind I will drop you a quick text to hang out in the car for a few minutes.  (If you happen to run behind, we would love for you to return the favor and let us know that you will be late ;).

Do you sell undergarments?

Yes, I sell Boomba “sticky boobs”, Body tape, Fashion tape for clothing and some accessories.

 We do sell and sew in bust pads and push-up pads.  At this time we do not have any other undergarment options at our location.

We will assess your undergarment needs as we work. You will sometimes need a bustier, slip, “sticky boobs,” or even a pair of Spanx. We try to let you know at the first appointment if you will need these, but sometimes we don’t know until closer to the end of the fitting process.

**Please please please, do not take a suggestion of undergarments as an insult to your figure. I would never stop you on the street and point out that you need Spanx! But, it is my job to help outfit you 100% according to the needs of your gown. I absolutely consider undergarment assessment as part of my job. If this is offensive to you due to past serious body image issues such as body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, or even just personal feelings you have, (you do not need to tell me the details) then please let me know up-front that you don’t want any undergarment suggestions. **

 Do you sell veils?

I do sell custom veils.  I have some on hand and depending on time-frame, I can make one to your specifications.

 Last but not least… Do I live at my shop???

Yes, it is in my home, but I do have a separate/private space away from kitchen odors.

 I’m having trouble getting you on the phone.  What is the best way to contact you? 

The best and fastest way to contact is texting my business line.  I will usually be able to respond back within an hour.  I will usually let calls go to voicemail, because when I am working it’s just easier to screen calls that way.  Sorry if that offends anyone.  It is not meant to offend.

If you have any questions that I did not address here.  Feel free to reach out to me.  And now we know the best and fastest way to reach me… TEXT.